Friday, May 30, 2014

Crape Myrtle - King of Summer Colors

Crape Myrtles, the Kings of Summer Color

Crape Myrtles are truly the Kings of Summer Color

The Crape Myrtle can give you the added “Pizazz” to your garden that another tree won’t. These trees resemble the lilac tree but are bolder,and more laden in flowers. The flowers of the crape myrtle are crinkled and crape papery in appearance and feel like crape paper when you touch them. The Crape Myrtle is a gardener’s delight and a treat to eyes, nose, and touch.

From white to red and almost every color in between. This is a beautiful lilac colored bloom
The Crape Myrtle is a pretty tree year round, even in the winter with the attractive bark being a point of interest in your garden. The bark has an interesting mottled appearance because of shedding all through the year. When the bark underneath shows through it can be cinnamon colored or a pinkish color depending on which Crape Myrtle you’re growing. The leaves in the fall can be either yellow, brilliant orange or a deep red when turning. Then there are the flowers!
The flowers of a Crape Myrtle are a sight to behold! A glorious riot of color that is truly outstanding in shades you can’t find on any other tree and the blooms last for months. There are flowers in shades of pink, purple, white and, believe it or not, red. Not just red, but a brilliant shade of red which can be seen from your yard into other neighbors’ yards. You will be the envy of all your gardening friends.
So why should you buy your crape myrtle from Leaves and Petals Garden Center? Well, one reason is that we hand pick our trees to make sure the tree you get is the tree picked especially for you. Since we aren’t growers, we don’t have inventory to worry about, we buy what we have orders for. We go to the growers and walk through their inventory and pick out the cream of the crop and that is what we send to you. Also, we don’t send bare root trees. We ship large, healthy plants. Our 1 gallon size plants quickly grow since they have not suffered setbacks in their root system. Also, our 3 gallon plants are specimens that will make an impact in your garden, generally blooming their very first season, and sometimes even blooming when you receive them! Best of all, all your shipping are included in the price so there is no need for added costs and there are no unexpected surprises!
A 5 gallon specimen. 3 gallons will also usually have blooms - and even 2 gallons will surprise us!

Here at Leaves and Petals we welcome you, our valued customer. We hope to make your experience memorable, and your garden beautiful. Browse through our other pages to find out how we can help you build the garden of your dreams.
Outstanding fall colors create a second show

Saturday, May 24, 2014

8 Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden

8 Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds

For the Hummingbird lover, ways to attract the delicate little bird are always on your mind. There are certain flowers you can plant that will attract the hummers so they choose your garden over your neighbors. Because of the birds’ long bills, long trumpet shaped flowers or a flower which has a tapered shape are best suited for their needs. The birds are attracted to flowers which have bright, rich colors. Red is the preferred color but hummingbirds are attracted to other bright colors as well.

Also, if you use native plants, the hummingbirds are more familiar with them. For you, the benefits of a native plant are the plant thrives with minimal care. Plus, if you think about choosing plants with repeat blooming or a long bloom time then that plant becomes a reliable source of food. When you mix together a diverse amount of flowers in your garden, then the garden supplies ample food for the birds through the spring, summer and fall.

Below is a list of tried and true plants, seven which are perennials, which hummingbirds will dive into:
1.      Bee Balm will grow in zones 4-9 and is a perennial.Bee balm is also known as bergamothorsemint, and monarda
The plant has full spikes as well as a spherical shape which helps to attract the birds. This is an attractive plant and does well in full sun and will grow to a height of 12-36 inches.
2.      Cardinal flower can be grown in zones 2-9 and is also called lobelia. The stalks of the flower are long and can grow up to 48 inches. It grows best if the soil is moist and well drained. The flowers are a rich shade of red with a delicate shape.
This flower not only attracts hummingbirds but it an attractive flower for use in landscaping.

3.      Salvia has tall spikes of delicate small flowers that range from mauve to pink to purple and blue. Salvia is related to the mint family and starts to bloom mid-summer and continues to bloom throughout into late summer.
It grows back bigger each year and loves full sun.

4.      The Bleeding Heart has dangling heart-shaped flowers which come in either white or pink.
This plant grows well in zones 2-9 and in lightly shaded spots. The height can be between 24-36 inches tall and can be transplanted by division which makes the plant easy to spread throughout your garden.

5.      The Butterfly Bush can be grown in zones 5-10 and attracts butterflies by the droves. The flowers are grown in elongated clusters in pink or purple shades and blooms from mid-summer through fall.
It tolerates drought well, thrives in full sun and will turn into a thick full shrub over a period of time.

6.      The Trumpet Creeper or Trumpet Vine will grow in zones 4-10 but can be invasive so watch where you plant it. It climbs easily across many surfaces and has dense foliage.
The long tubular flowers draw hummingbirds with orange, red or yellow blooms and it will grow in full sun or partial shade.

7.      Columbine is an elegant delicate looking flower and is ideal for hummingbirds. The flowers come in shades of blue, pink and purple and grow in zones 3-8.
It grows very well in partial shade and can reach heights of 20 inches tall.

8.      Finally, for gardeners who have limited space or would like something different for their fence or wall, there’s the HummingbirdGarden Kit. This all-in-one kit makes luring hummers to drop by your house simple, easy and fun. You plant the beautiful wave petunias; we send petunias in colors that will attract the jeweled beauties, in the hangout planter. Then you add the dirt, water it, add the fertilizer stick, hang it and you’re good to go. Hummingbirds are attracted to the bright and colorful petunias and will be fluttering around your planter before you know it.

This all-in-one kit makes luring hummers to drop by your house simple, easy and fun. You plant the beautiful wave petunias; we send petunias (plants, not seeds!)  in colors that will attract the jeweled beauties, in the hangout planter.
Shown with Vinca minor.
Then you add the dirt, water it, add the fertilizer stick, hang it and you’re good to go. Hummingbirds are attracted to the bright and colorful petunias and will be fluttering around your planter before you know it.
Shown with Petunias.

Attracting Hummingbirds to your gardens isn’t difficult and the time spent watching them is both fun and relaxing. Invest in some plants today and make your garden a Hummingbird Haven.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

8 Ways to Attract Hummingbirds

8 Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds

For the Hummingbird lover, ways to attract the delicate little bird are always on your mind. There are certain flowers you can plant that will attract the hummers so they choose your garden over your neighbors. Because of the birds’ long bills, long trumpet shaped flowers or a flower which has a tapered shape are best suited for their needs. The birds are attracted to flowers which have bright, rich colors. Red is the preferred color but hummingbirds are attracted to other bright colors as well.

Also, if you use native plants, the hummingbirds are more familiar with them. For you, the benefits of a native plant are the plant thrives with minimal care. Plus, if you think about choosing plants with repeat blooming or a long bloom time then that plant becomes a reliable source of food. When you mix together a diverse amount of flowers in your garden, then the garden supplies ample food for the birds through the spring, summer and fall.

Below is a list of tried and true plants, seven which are perennials, which hummingbirds will dive into:
1.      Bee Balm will grow in zones 4-9 and is a perennial.Bee balm is also known as bergamot, horsemint, and monarda
The plant has full spikes as well as a spherical shape which helps to attract the birds. This is an attractive plant and does well in full sun and will grow to a height of 12-36 inches.
2.      Cardinal flower can be grown in zones 2-9 and is also called lobelia. The stalks of the flower are long and can grow up to 48 inches. It grows best if the soil is moist and well drained. The flowers are a rich shade of red with a delicate shape.
This flower not only attracts hummingbirds but it an attractive flower for use in landscaping.

3.      Salvia has tall spikes of delicate small flowers that range from mauve to pink to purple and blue. Salvia is related to the mint family and starts to bloom mid-summer and continues to bloom throughout into late summer.
It grows back bigger each year and loves full sun.

4.      The Bleeding Heart has dangling heart-shaped flowers which come in either white or pink.
This plant grows well in zones 2-9 and in lightly shaded spots. The height can be between 24-36 inches tall and can be transplanted by division which makes the plant easy to spread throughout your garden.

5.      The Butterfly Bush can be grown in zones 5-10 and attracts butterflies by the droves. The flowers are grown in elongated clusters in pink or purple shades and blooms from mid-summer through fall.
It tolerates drought well, thrives in full sun and will turn into a thick full shrub over a period of time.

6.      The Trumpet Creeper or Trumpet Vine will grow in zones 4-10 but can be invasive so watch where you plant it. It climbs easily across many surfaces and has dense foliage.
The long tubular flowers draw hummingbirds with orange, red or yellow blooms and it will grow in full sun or partial shade.

7.      Columbine is an elegant delicate looking flower and is ideal for hummingbirds. The flowers come in shades of blue, pink and purple and grow in zones 3-8.
It grows very well in partial shade and can reach heights of 20 inches tall.

8.      Finally, for gardeners who have limited space or would like something different for their fence or wall, there’s the HummingbirdGarden Kit. This all-in-one kit makes luring hummers to drop by your house simple, easy and fun. You plant the beautiful wave petunias; we send petunias in colors that will attract the jeweled beauties, in the hangout planter. Then you add the dirt, water it, add the fertilizer stick, hang it and you’re good to go. Hummingbirds are attracted to the bright and colorful petunias and will be fluttering around your planter before you know it.

This all-in-one kit makes luring hummers to drop by your house simple, easy and fun. You plant the beautiful wave petunias; we send petunias (plants, not seeds!)  in colors that will attract the jeweled beauties, in the hangout planter.
Shown with Vinca minor.
Then you add the dirt, water it, add the fertilizer stick, hang it and you’re good to go. Hummingbirds are attracted to the bright and colorful petunias and will be fluttering around your planter before you know it.
Shown with Petunias.

Attracting Hummingbirds to your gardens isn’t difficult and the time spent watching them is both fun and relaxing. Invest in some plants today and make your garden a Hummingbird Haven.