Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bihou Japanese Maple

Bihou translates into “beautiful mountain range”. The Bihou Japanese Maple tree is a gorgeous little tree. It grows between 6-10 feet high and grows upright. The average width is between 4’-6’, so it will fit well in small spaces. The Japanese Bihou Japanese Maple has leaves which appear in the spring as chartreuse edged in red. The leaves then turn a delicate shade of medium green for summer. In the fall, yellow leaves blend with orange for a truly lovely display. But, believe it or not, for the Bihou Japanese Maple the true breathtaking display is in winter. The bark of the tree turns orange and yellow and glows with color against the dull winter landscape.

The Bihou Japanese Maple prefers sun to partial shade. It can be grown in Zones 6-9. It enjoys morning sun, evening sun, dappled light and filtered shade. The Bihou Japanese Maple likes its soil well drained. It’s resistant to deer and heat. With this tree in your yard, it will attract visual attention as well.

This lovely little tree is perfect along woodland borders. Bihou Japanese Maple can also be used for focal point, to frame the corners of your home, or in a theme garden. The Bihou Japanese Maple breathes life into small spaces with its delicate, colorful beauty. Plan to plant one in area of your choice, we have Bihou Japanese Maple trees in stock today!

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