Wednesday, September 18, 2013

To Mulch or not to Mulch .... that is the question and we have an answer.

From our Gardeners' Corner. Visit our site at to get your questions answered frequently.
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Q. I keep reading about not mulching around trees. I thought that would help keep moisture in and help them to grow?A. It’s not that you should not mulch around trees, it’s HOW you mulch that’s important. Some gardeners make what are called “mulch volcanoes.” This is mulch that starts out two inches from the end of the diameter and ends up about six inches by the time it is to the base of the tree. When the tree is watered, the water flows up and out of the top and down the sides of the mulch, depriving the tree of water. If the mulch is that deep, then you can get rodents, diseases and even suffocate the roots. The correct way is to mulch around the tree about 2 inches deep with mulch. This keeps the tree cooler in hot weather. If you’re mulch is composed of shredded leaves, this breaks down faster, the tree gets the nutrients quicker and it’s cheaper!

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